Saturday, December 20, 2008


I think that one of the things that we don't do enough as a society is smile. And I know how foolish that sounds, but I personally love to laugh, and I love to make people smile. I want to draw attention to one of the greatest things I have seen in a while. This was sent to me by a friend in a very down time of my life, basically the last 3 months of my life haha. It is a video on youtube called Validated, and though its longer then most youtube videos, I highly encourage everyone to watch it, I think that as a society not enough people are taking care of each other, we seem to be too concerned with ourselves and our own lives. If more people did movies like this, and more people led their lives like this, I'm positive even our economy would rise again. Please watch it and enjoy.  :)


Anonymous said...

2007 was the worst year I've had by far. I was sexually assaulted, had a pregnancy which I had to abort because I would not be able to carry to full term due to a disease in my blood. Ended up inthe hospital for about a month because of how sick the abortion had gotten me. I was completely alone. My ex did not help at all but started to physically and verbally abuse me. Missed alot of school, and lost all of my friends. I blamed myself for everything that happened to me. One day a woman came up to me, a complete stranger.She told me I was a beautiful person and gave me a hug. I never saw her again but for the first time I smiled. She doesn't know she saved me that day. The video reminded me of her. I really wish more people were like her and led their lives like the character in the video. The world would be a better place if more people just cared.

Dontlookforme said...

Thank you for being able to share that. I am very glad that you were able to smile. And i hope you don't forget to do that all the time.

Go Stoodent said...

cool movie...

Wish i had some sort of inspirational story to tell, but i am generally happy, so i tend to smile.....

I get good tips this way too ^_^

Dontlookforme said...

smiles are infectious. i remember i was walking through soho and looking at everyones face and and everyone was just sooo busy looking, so stressed and unsure and there was this black lady in full business gear walking towards me and i just smiled at her and she immediately smiled back. it was so wierd. its been about 3 years since then and i havent been able to forget that. i guess that sometimes thats enough to just change peoples day. maybe you are the worlds saviour boris haha