Sunday, January 4, 2009

or here to convert atheists into believers

"I ain't here to argue about his facial features or here to convert atheists into believers."

Today was an interesting day, from Obama the Antichrist to Obama the Freemason, to Jay Z and the Rockefeller's being reptilian organisms, to god never existing followed by god existing, followed by whats the difference between us and monkeys and finishing up with aliens teaching us the wheel and mathematics and the icing being the end of the world in 2012.

All these thoughts made me think a lot. Religion (a topic I didn't necessarily want to touch) seems to be a heated topic. I watched the Bucket List yesterday and I liked Nicholson's characters views on 2 things. One was about reincarnation. According to karma you move up and down the list according to how you live your life. Nicholson said, that's all fine but they lose me at one point, what the hell does a snail have to do to move up the list--- leave a perfect trail of slime? I thought that was great. And secondly, His views on life. He didn't say he was an Atheist per se he said I only know 2 things, one is that you are born and two, you die. That was a beautiful argument. I personally feel that there is no difference between religion and science, between the theories that aliens put us here and nursed us. The big bang and the 7 days are all the same to me. Because when you try to bring any of those arguments back to the start it always leads to the same answer, an unknown. And the entire difference in arguments is that some label that unknown as God and believe that it controls everything, some label that as aliens, and some label that as "science hasn't told us yet." Essentially its the same thing. A friend of mine said that its different because we know what God is, we have it figured out. That was probably the stupidest thing i've heard in a while. If we knew what God was, if we had him figured out then we would each be God. But honestly the only difference I see between Religion and Science is that Religion is based on trust and Science just asks more questions. 


Go Stoodent said...

It is a bit complicated to think about these kind of things for me, while it is very enjoyable, i always end up with a headache.

Two things are for sure...either god does exist or he does not.

If he does, and is as all powerfulk etc. our belief will not effect that.

Moving on, we do not know much at all. In kabbalah people strive to tap into the light, which is the true source of happiness (suspend your disbelief, it is actually a very interesting, and *surprisingly* practical system) Kabbalah tells us we experience .1%, while God (creating force; Light call it what you will) is the 99.9 other percent. Those who sort of can tap into that are enlighted ro something. And regardless it seems no one really remains enlightened....thats besides the point though...even if we have bried moments of insight, they are quite brief.

The Buddha teaches the path to enlightement, but even he himself is often lost along the way...

You know what i forgot why i was saying what i am typing...

As for the snail, i know its a joke but animals have a certian level of consciosness according to some belief systems. Personally I agree....

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite topics to discuss solely because I love to be argumentative. lol. Throughout my first semester at college my English class only discussed moral issues and religion. Now at 8 in the morning it was definitely WAY too much to think about but it caused a lot of heated debates and it was all very thought provoking. The idea of God seems to be the idea of something that can explain everything else, without having to be explained itself- problem numero uno. God seems to be used as the ultimate explanation/justification but there is never an explanation to why anything is the way it is. We are never given an answer that brings our questions to a stop.

There is this movie called Religulous with Bill Maher that I have been trying watch. It is basically Bill Maher going around to churches, government offices and the Vatican interviewing these prominent figures and questioning their beliefs; his search for answers and his mission to prove that there are many inconsistencies with religion, and that we really don’t know anything at all. At one point in the movie Maher goes to the Holy Land Experience located in Florida, he interviews “Jesus” and asks him why doesn’t just God destroy the devil, end all the violence and bring world peace? This brings me back to my childhood when I would ask my mother the same exact question. The only answer I would receive was from my dad smacking me haha and saying to not question God’s plan but then I would ask why God came up with such a bs plan.

In the Catholic bible it says “He loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ , to earth to die for you.” Well that’s just grand but what was the purpose of it? No one was/is saved. If God really wanted to help us and show us his love why doesn’t he just end war, end violence, end child abuse, rape, murder, hunger? I can go on. I know everything that is occurring is happening because of man, but with God’s “powers” surely you would think he would at least help out.

So the only thing we can ever be positive about is that we all are born and we will all eventually die. Of course some may even argue that it is all in our mind, or that we cannot even be sure that we even exist (solipsism).


Dontlookforme said...

I have recently been listening to the song Dear God by xtc, I recommended that some people check out. But the song really makes me think. It starts off by saying "dear god, hope you got my letter and i pray that you can make it better down here, I don't mean a big reduction in the price of beer, but all the people you made in your image, see them dying in the street, cause they don't get enough to eat from God.... Dear God hope you got my letter and I pray you can make it better down here, we all need a big reduction in amounts of tears, and all the people you made in your image, see them fighting in the street, cause they can't make opinions meet about god."It was fascinating from the beginning because its addressed to God but in reality its not about him. "dear God, don't know if you noticed but your name is on a lot of quotes in this book, us crazy humans wrote you should take a look, and all the people you made in your image, still believing that junk is true, well i know it ain't and so do you....." The attack is actually aimed at the image of God, at mass religion, at what we are all told. "i cant believe in, i wont believe in, i don't believe in heaven or hell, no saints no sinners no devil as well, no pearly gates no thorny crown, you're always letting us humans drown, the lives you take the babes you drown, those lost in sea and never found, and its the same the whole world round, the things i see help to compound, that father son and the holy ghost, is just somebody's unholy hoax, and if your up there you'll perceive that my hearts here upon my sleeve, if there's one thing I can't believe in... its you" It really makes me wonder because the song says that I can't believe in you. But why would it be addressed to God if it says that it doesn't believe in him. This made me realize that the god they cant believe in is the one everyone believes in. Whether it is Jehovah or Christ or Mohammad or anyone, religion and differences in religion are the causes of most of the deaths in the world, from the crusades to the problems in the middle east. The God portrayed in religion is a God that should not exist. It really is a great song.